Wednesday, 19 October 2011

Week 12 - Prototype Construction Phase 2

Today I mapped out the Proof of Concept Prototype and worked out what I needed. Below is a concept sketch of what it will look like.

Concept sketch of Prototype.
The final proof of concept prototype consists of one electronic flame dial with 11 lights (the central light representing the user and the outer 10 representing the other members of the users group) and a board with four personas that represent four other levi-mate owners within the group.
Check list for circuit components.

Circuit diagram for the motor and all flickering LEDs. Note: I know! LEDs are back to front in this circuit diagram!

Circuit diagram for Inputs: Hall Sensor at top, reed switch below.

Hacking the electronic tea lights:

Partially dismantled tealight on left, original tealight intact on right.

The effect created by the LED with the flame shaped diffuser is still quite nice and will represent the concept nicely.

The flicker in the LED appears to be built into the LED lense as there is no circuitry within the tea light casing.

Fully desoldered and dismantled tea light with LED retrieved

LED runs from a 3V button cell battery.

Circuit assembled on bread board reay to be programmed
Now that the circuitry for all the inputs (Hall Sensor and reed switches) and the lights have been assembled on the breadboard I need to go and purchase a small motor to control the speed of the fan. Yasu has told me that we can use Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) outputs from the Arduino programming we can vary the speed of the motor to a certain point. I am hoping that I can get a motor that is geared down to around 40-60rpm so that we can increase the speed from there.

Watch this space for motorization in the next 24 hours!

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