Sunday, 23 October 2011

Week 12 - Final Behavioural Analysis

Today I managed to view the behaviours of each of our personas and analysis all the nuances that appeared between the individuals. It was interesting to note how even a slight variation in response or interaction indicated a potential design opportunity or issue.

 Time slip version of the videos used for the behavioural analysis

 Analysis of Sylvia's interaction with the Levi-Mate

 Analysis of John's interaction with the Levi-Mate

  Analysis of Mike's interaction with the Levi-Mate

 Analysis of Kahlia's interaction with the Levi-Mate

 Analysis of Dave's interaction with the Levi-Mate

After viewing and analysing the users behaviour footage I compiled a list of commonalities that we can use to further inform our design. Some of the following have already been addressed in the Object design however it is important to state how the changes are backed up by the behavioural analysis.

The following is a list of key commonalities:
  • Varied set up process from user to user:
              - Before study set up (High enthusiasm)
              - Integrated into study set up (Medium enthusiasm)
              - After study set up (Low enthusiasm)

  • Varied ways of gripping the fan at various stages:
              - No hesitation in gripping the fan while spinning
              - Short hesitation before gripping the fan on removing
                 (design improves this by providing larger grip surface area see object 
                  design alteration Thursday, 6th of October 2011 - Fan: form and symbolism )

  • Varied fan attachment approaches:
              - Some users hesitated in letting the fan go
                 (design provides positive tactile response to fan attachment)
              - Some users are less careful in placing the fan
                 (design affords for this so that it can continue operating)

  • Varied positive and negative responses to the indication that people were signing in and signing out:
              - Body language
              - Posture
              - Speed of actions/work

Although many of the design features have been finalised it would be important to keep these observations in mind should we wish to develop the concept further in the future. Each observation presents the concept with opportunities for positive future development.

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