Saturday, 20 August 2011

Week 4 - Story Boards: Burning the Candle at Both Ends

Having settled on the "Burning the Candle at Both Ends" interaction I've developed a story board to explain the tangible interaction process. This will also be the basis for the presentation video that we will be filming this afternoon. 

The tangible interaction is between two users, each having the same candle. The candle is a long thin candle that is balanced over a pivot point similar to my test model (click here and scroll down to the third video). The interaction begins with the candles having been syncronised over the internet ready for use.








As mentioned in previous posts this tangible interaction has a number of implications. 

Not only will the two users be able to see if the other person is working but the length of the candle burnt also reflects the amount of time that each person has been working.

This is turning out to be quite an interesting form of tangible interaction. 

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