Since class this week I’ve spoken to a few people about items that they use every day that would benefit from additional Tangible Interactions. So I’m just updating my idea bank for the week.
Sensory Feedback Chairs:
First off I spoke to a few Special Education Teachers. One of the things that they spoke about was chairs. Because of the sensory needs of some of the children in their classes the chairs are often fitted with texture pads that give the children what they require. If this became an interaction point for the children it could be used to encourage the children to sit. Included in the chair would be sensors to sense the sitter and sense the time spent sitting. Another application for this could be a seat that cannot be sat of for extended periods of time. The might use a mechanism that causes discomfort after a set period of time requiring the user to stand up before the chair can be sat on again.
First off I spoke to a few Special Education Teachers. One of the things that they spoke about was chairs. Because of the sensory needs of some of the children in their classes the chairs are often fitted with texture pads that give the children what they require. If this became an interaction point for the children it could be used to encourage the children to sit. Included in the chair would be sensors to sense the sitter and sense the time spent sitting. Another application for this could be a seat that cannot be sat of for extended periods of time. The might use a mechanism that causes discomfort after a set period of time requiring the user to stand up before the chair can be sat on again.
Egg Carton Interactions:
Egg cartons provide some protection for eggs bought in the supermarkets however when collecting eggs from the chickens at home there is also significant risk of egg damage depending on the terrain. Can we combine use an accelerometer and airbag system to sense the swift decent of the egg carrier activating the airbag to cushion the fall? This is a bit farfetched but would be interesting to explore.
Egg cartons provide some protection for eggs bought in the supermarkets however when collecting eggs from the chickens at home there is also significant risk of egg damage depending on the terrain. Can we combine use an accelerometer and airbag system to sense the swift decent of the egg carrier activating the airbag to cushion the fall? This is a bit farfetched but would be interesting to explore.
Scent Memory Pens:
Various studies have shown that the application of scents while studying and trying to remember study content for exams can assist a person in recalling the material. By incorporating a scent dispenser into a pen or highlighter and a form of sensor that can identify the content a memory assistance product could be developed.
Various studies have shown that the application of scents while studying and trying to remember study content for exams can assist a person in recalling the material. By incorporating a scent dispenser into a pen or highlighter and a form of sensor that can identify the content a memory assistance product could be developed.
Mail Sensors:
It is often useful to be able to know if there is mail sitting in a mailbox without needing to manually check for mail. It would be quite easy to implement a sensor to that could sense mail but how would I communicate the information to the user? We now have a number of mediums through which to communicate. These include, but are not limited to, visual displays, audible alerts, SMS and even through a purpose designed App.
It is often useful to be able to know if there is mail sitting in a mailbox without needing to manually check for mail. It would be quite easy to implement a sensor to that could sense mail but how would I communicate the information to the user? We now have a number of mediums through which to communicate. These include, but are not limited to, visual displays, audible alerts, SMS and even through a purpose designed App.
Was the Kettle on?:
A common problem that I have found is not knowing how long ago the kettle has been boiled and if the water is still hot enough to make a coffee? By using a heat indicator of some sort, how can the product communicate this information to the user?
A common problem that I have found is not knowing how long ago the kettle has been boiled and if the water is still hot enough to make a coffee? By using a heat indicator of some sort, how can the product communicate this information to the user?